Obviously, I'm not doing a very good job at keeping up on my posts. Luckily, it hasn't been a busy month, so there really isn't much to catch up on. Our cute Collin turned three the end of last month. We are crossing our fingers he has finally passed the terrible twos. Sean was craving one of those chocolate cakes from Costco, so that's what Collin got. He was really excited for us to sing to him, but even more excited to blow out the candles. In fact, he didn't even wait for us to finish the song. He just decided it was time and blew them out.
Aaron and Collin also started Joy School this month. They love it and are constantly asking if they can go back. It is so strange to only have Alyssa at home with me. Luckily, she still takes a morning nap, so I have plenty of time to waste on my own.

I did have fun today creating a new background and header. Too bad it took me all day and I'm gonna have to redo it in another month. Oh well, it looks good for now. Thanks to
Becca for making the super cute halloween kit. Best of all, it was a freebie!