It's never easy to find time to start projects and nearly impossible to finish them. Somewhere I found the motiviation to get a few things done around the house. I had some people tell me I should post a few of the finished projects, so here they are.

These are job charts for my kids. I think they turned out great. I searched online forever to find something that would last and might motivate my kids to actually do work around the house. I got the idea from here. But I changed it around to fit our family better.

Our refinished much nicer than the old one.

My seasonal shelf and pictures of the kids. We haven't had pictures of our family displayed since Aaron was a baby, so I was glad to finally get pictures up of the kids.
My seasonal shelf and pictures of the kids. We haven't had pictures of our family displayed since Aaron was a baby, so I was glad to finally get pictures up of the kids.
Thanks to all those that gave me these great ideas!