Today is our seventh anniversary. It's amazing how fast time has gone. I've been trying to think of all that we have done since we've been married and it's kind-of hard to remember (Honestly, I can't even remember what we did last week).
I do remember that Sean graduated, has been Ward Mission Leader, E.Q. President, in the Bishopric, High Council, and Stake Young Men's Presidency (is he ever home?). I've cleaned the house thousands of times, washed hundreds of loads of laundry, and have cooked too many times to count. We have wrecked one truck and killed one car and now we drive a cool mini-van. We are in the third round of remodeling. Best of all, we have four cute kids who we love so much. We have been blessed with a such a great family and I am very grateful for all of them. I look forward to the future and many more happy memories. I love you Sean!
Mosaic Knit Shawl Patterns
30 minutes ago
I noticed the other day it was your anniversary and I'm so happy for you. You give me hope- not about being married to your brother for that long but that you have survived the thousands of loads of laundry, the housecleaning and most importantly the remodeling. You are a great sis-in-law and appreciate you listening to my new mom experiences and giving me advice. Congrats on your anniversary.
Congratulations! Time flies huh?! You guys are such a great couple and have a wonderful family! I like your new blog look too!
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